This is the perfect combination for adding a little zest to your love life. Amethyst heals the heart & encourages trust in yourself & others. It takes negative energy & turns it to love. Carnelian inspires creativity, sensuality & passion and helps you connect with your inner-child. By combing trust, love & healing with passion, creativity & sensuality these gems give you the tools to spice up your love life & deepen your romantic relationships.
Healing gemstone jewelry, Mind Body Spirit energy healing, energy healing workshops,
Custom & free guided meditation, gem elixirs & moon water
energy healing, GemRx consultation & intuitive readings by appointment only
* Please note: Statements made & Healing Properties referenced on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to act as a substitute for medical care. Please consult your physician regarding any physical ailments & do not change your medically prescribed treatments without direction from your physician.