Energy Healing Workshops

Energy Healing Workshops

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An Intro to Energy Healing & Reiki 1
Using Energy for Enhanced Well-Being, Happiness & Personal Protection

This workshop is a chance for you to polish your inner-glow, tap your magic, and become a beacon in the world.

You'll receive your Level 1 Reiki attunement, and learn techniques for aura strengthening, energetic shielding & clearing energetic pollution (aka How to stop people from "sucking your energy" & how to "keep other people's ickies off you.")

This workshop will help you increase your emotional resilience and learn how to determine how things are affecting you energetically, which are making you stronger & which are sapping your strength.

Bringing the Healing to Others & Reiki 2
Energy Work Out In the World - Sharing the Healing

This full-day workshop will take you further into the realm of energy healing.

In addition to receiving your Level 2 Reiki attunement, in this workshop you will be given tools for working with and bringing healing to others.

We will be covering techniques to assist with chakra balancing, stress-relief, energetic clearing & goal manifestation. You'll also learn more about energetic shielding for personal protection. 

This is especially useful for people who work with the public and/or in the healing arts.

Energy Healing Immersion Weekend
Advanced Energy Healing Techniques - Taking It to the Next Level

This two-day retreat will take you into the realm of manifestation & magic.

In addition to delving further into techniques for energetic shielding & chakra balancing that were introduced in the prior two workshops in this series, this intensive retreat will provide you with tools that take you deeper into the subconscious mind.

We will work with healing gems & crystal, learn how to identify the correct gems for a given situation, their correlation to the chakras, and the power of color in healing. 

Additionally, we will be learning about essential oils, sacred breathwork, creating a guided meditation, and movement-based, or somatic, clearing.

Healing with Gems & Crystals 

This half-day workshop will give you practical tools & techniques for using gems to support energetic well-being and physical & emotional health.

You'll be given techniques for determining which gems & crystals are right for a given situation, and how to apply those techniques to yourself & others. 

We'll discuss the use of gems & crystals in energy work, and how they can be used to enhance everything from relationship dynamics & mood, to stress levels, physical well-being & sleep quality.

We'll learn how to create crystal grids & talk about the use of gems & crystals in the home.

Healing Relationships ~ Past & Present

In this half-day workshop you will be given tools help you create healthy & fulfilling connections with the people in your life. 

Relationships are complicated & sometimes having good intentions, isn't enough.

Whether it's in a romantic relationship, your relationships with your children, relationships with parents or siblings, friends, work colleagues, or even someone who is no longer in your life, most of us have experienced feelings of anger, resentment, hurt, rejection, abandonment, loss, and frustration.

In this workshop you will learn techniques to free yourself from the past, to break patterns that are no longer serving you, to heal old wounds, and to fill your emotional reservoir. 

Energy Healing for Self-Care

6-week series: Tuesdays, Oct 10 - Nov 14 - Registration Closed
This 6-week series will give you the tools to refresh, recharge & protect yourself energetically. 

Do you find yourself feeling drained at the end of the day? Are there too many demands being placed upon you? Do you spend most of your energy taking care of others & working to ensure their well-being? 

Do you find that, no matter what you do, you never feel like you've had enough sleep? Is you mood dramatically affected by the moods of others? Do you find yourself worrying or repeating the same conversations or having the same thoughts over and over?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this workshop is for you.

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