
Marsya Mind Body Spirit 
Healing Gemstone Bracelets

Choose the gems that speak to you.
Combine multiple gems to create your own GemRx.
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Amethyst: Heart-Healing, Intuition, Wisdom, Trust.
Amethyst brings energetic balance, emotional healing & anxiety relief. 

Amethyst is a gentle & healing stone that calms or stimulates your mind, as needed. It activates your crown & third-eye chakras, enhancing your intuition & psychic gifts and balances your energetic bodies. Amethyst strengthens your aura/energetic field providing energetic protection. It heals your heart chakra, dispels anger, fear & anxiety and alleviates sadness & grief. Excellent for relationship-health, Amethyst turns negative energy into love, and moderates emotional highs and lows. It encourages trust in yourself & others.
Blue Topaz: Forgiveness, Intuition, Self-Expression, Clarity.
Blue Topaz promotes self-awareness & speaking your truth.

A mellow, empathetic stone that opens the throat chakra and third eye, blue topaz directs energy where it’s needed most. It encourages clear communication, honesty & forgiveness. Blue topaz reduces stress, induces relaxation and assists in meditation. It releases tension and cuts through doubt and uncertainty. A stone of self-expression, blue topaz attunes you to your higher self and helps you recognize where you have strayed from the path that expresses your personal voice. It is very useful for those engaged in the arts.
Carnelian: Passion, Sensuality, Vitality, Abundance.
Carnelian is a gem of motivation & creativity that encourages change.

Carnelian is full of life force. It activates both your root chakra, key to relationships, motivation & survival and your sacral chakra, center for creativity, fertility, sensuality & your inner child. Carnelian inspires passion & vitality, sensuality & empathy, creativity & abundance. A stone of manifestation, it sharpens concentration and improves analytic abilities, helping you make wise choices & overcome negative conditioning. Carnelian dispels apathy & depression, anger & resentment and replaces them w love of life and optimism. 

Citrine: Confidence, Joy, Creativity, Strength.
Citrine is like crystallized sunshine, that increases motivation & vitality & elevates mood.

Citrine is powerful cleanser and regenerator that carries the energy of the sun and transmutes negative energy into positive energy or joy. By activating your solar plexus & crown chakras, it raises self-esteem & confidence, without ego. Citrine also activates your sacral chakra, which encourages creativity & reduces sensitivity to criticism. It connects you to your higher-self, enhancing inner-calm, so wisdom may emerge. It is a stone of abundance that makes you want to share your blessings & encourages wealth, innovation & all good things.
Garnet: Passion, Prosperity, Motivation, Change.
Garnet clears negative energy, enhances life-force, & strengthens relationships.

Garnet is a powerfully energizing stone that carries the energy of prosperity, stimulates vitality, and clears negative energy. It is particularly helpful in a crisis, strengthening survival instinct and giving courage. Garnet dissolves behavior patterns that are no longer serving you and helps you let go of old ideas. A root chakra activator, it strengthens relationship bonds, stimulates the sex drive and inspires love and devotion, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Garnet is a stone of optimism, prosperity and growth.
Kyanite: Insight, Balance, Self-Expression, Truth.
Kyanite dissolves old energies & encourages your soul to express itself.

Kyanite is a healing stone that clears energetic blockages & aligns your energetic bodies, bringing balance. It opens your throat & third eye chakras with a gentle & balanced energy that helps you to tap into your inner-wisdom in a way that allows your soul to express itself more freely & encourages you to speak your truth. Kyanite relieves stress, frees you from illusion & helps you see your own part in creating issues. It dispels anger and opens you to higher truth. Kyanite helps choose your words well & communicate more effectively.

Labradorite: Wisdom, Insight, Intuition, Calm.
Labradorite provides energetic protection & supports you during times of change.

Labradorite is a highly mystical & protective stone that raises consciousness and aligns your energetic bodies. It strengthens your aura/energetic field, forming a barrier to negative energy and preventing people from draining your energy. Labradorite clears and balances your third-eye & crown chakras, calming overactive minds and enhancing both rationality & intuitive wisdom. Especially useful during times of change, Labradorite strengthens your faith in yourself, trust in your inner-wisdom & trust in the Universe. 
Lapis Lazuli: Growth, Self-Expression, Intuition, Peace.
Lapis Lazuli provides energetic protection and encourages clarity & communication.

Lapis Lazuli opens and balances your third eye & throat chakras, enhancing wisdom & psychic abilities & encouraging growth. Lapis facilitates meditation and encourages feelings of peace & serenity. A very protective gem, lapis blocks negative energy and returns it to the source, in a way that helps the sender become aware of what they are doing. It encourages emotional honesty & self-awareness and reverses imbalances caused by not speaking out in the past. Physically, it is especially good for treating thyroid issues, asthma & migraines.
Pearls: Creativity, Compassion, Sensuality, Fertility.
Pearls make it easier to see the good in yourself & others & to accept the love you're given..

Pearls are a healing and nurturing gem. They heal & balance your second or sacral chakra, your center for creativity, sensuality and your inner-child. This makes easier to see the good in yourself, to accept the love you are given and to more freely give love to others. They help you to nurture yourself and those in your life. A gem of feminine energy, pearls enhance fertility & sensuality, and support mental clarity, intuition, empathy, imagination, adaptability, creative problem-solving and cooperation. Pearls help you access your gentler side and express it inside & out.

Peridot: Confidence, Strength, Trust, Love.
Peridot supports emotional courage, encouraging healthy relationships & growth.

Peridot is a powerful energetic cleanser that clears and activates your heart chakra, center of love, and your solar plexus chakra, your center for strength & sense of self. It helps you define & respectfully defend your boundaries and shows you how to detach yourself from outside influences and the “push-pull” of relationships. Peridot helps you tap into your higher-self for guidance, to “trust your gut” and “follow your heart.” It inspires confidence, courage & joy. Peridot enhances any relationship by helping you to be loving while staying centered & strong.
Pyrite: Vitality, Motivation, Confidence, Joy.
Pyrite provides energetic protection & enhances courage & inner-strength.

Pyrite activates your solar plexus chakra, your center for inner-strength, sense of self & joy. This encourages feelings of self-worth, optimism & well-being. Pyrite inspires courage and helps replace feelings of inadequacy or weakness with those of strength & confidence. A powerful blood cleanser, pyrite strengthens your immune system & boosts energy, helping to overcome inertia & fatigue. An excellent energy shield, Pyrite repairs & strengthens your aura & creates a barrier to negative energy. It supports you during times of change, trial & growth.
Quartz: Peace, Calm, Healing, Clearing. 
Quartz provides energetic protection, brings clarity & relieves stress.

Quartz is the most powerful healing stone & energy amplifier on the planet. Wearing it is like taking an energetic shower. In addition to activating your crown chakra, which relieves stress & promotes a sense of inner-peace, quartz cleanses & strengthens your aura or energetic field. This raises your energetic vibration and provides energetic protection. It clears & balances your chakras or energy centers, releasing blockages & increasing energy flow. Quartz also brings your physical & energetic bodies into alignment, which helps you find balance & calm. 

Rainbow Pyrite: Confidence, Courage, Strength, Growth.
Rainbow Pyrite is a gem of protection & growth that helps you fully manifest your gifts.

Rainbow Pyrite is said to open the channels between the left & right sides of your brain, allowing you to more fully manifest all your gifts and your soul to express itself more freely. An excellent energy shield, Rainbow Pyrite repairs & strengthens your aura and creates a barrier to negative energy. It activates your solar plexus chakra, increasing inner-strength & your sense of self. Rainbow Pyrite encourages confidence & courage and helps people break free of feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. It increases energy & motivation dispelling inertia & fatigue. 
Rose Quartz: Love, Empathy, Trust, Romance.
Rose Quartz is good for relationship health & heart healing, encouraging unconditional love.

Rose Quartz is the most important gem for your heart chakra, the arbiter between your higher & lower natures. It is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. Rose Quartz purifies and opens your heart at all levels and brings deep inner-healing. It attracts romantic love & improves existing relationships of all kinds. Rose quartz aids in the processing & healing of grief and in the acceptance of necessary change. It teaches the true essence of love, encourages empathy & makes it easier internalize the love you receive.
Ruby: Motivation, Vitality, Relationships, Prosperity.
Ruby is a gem of abundance & love, passion & loyalty. It encourages following your bliss.

Ruby is a gem of prosperity & abundance that activates your root, or survival, chakra & your heart, or love, chakra. It encourages “following your bliss” and a zest for life. Ruby balances vigor & motivation with judgement & grounding and inspires passion or loyalty, as needed. It heals your heart & transmutes negative energies such as anger or jealousy into love. Ruby inspires enthusiasm, & vitality, calms hyperactivity & helps dispel exhaustion & apathy. Ruby strengthens both family & romantic bonds and makes it easier to view situations with loving kindness.

Smoky Quartz: Meditation, Stress-Relief, Wisdom, Peace.
Smoky Quartz is both grounding & uplifting, bringing balance & clarity, elevating mood & lifting depression.

Smoky Quartz is the most peace-bringing & balancing of all the gems. An effective aid to mediation, it is also one of the most powerful grounding stones. Smoky quartz activates your crown & root chakras simultaneously. This grounds your spiritual energy, neutralizes negative vibrations, and creates a protective shield. Useful during times of change, smoky quartz is very effective at relieving stress & removing the fear of failure. By clearing your root chakra, it also lifts depression, enhances sexual energy & encourages passion.
Spinel: Vitality, Relationships, Motivation, Passion.
Spinel encourages prosperity & provides grounding & stability during times of change. 

Spinel activates both your heart & root chakras. It attracts love, inspiring passion or loyalty as needed. Spinel helps you put ego aside in relationships & re-establish or strengthen relationship bonds. Spinel relieves stress & anxiety, bringing a sense of calm in the face of challenge. It helps lift depression, regulate mood swings & alleviate sadness. Spinel is a very protective & strengthening stone that boosts both vitality & life force (including sexual energy), relieves exhaustion, increases motivation & encourages prosperity.
Turquoise: Meditation, Insight, Communication, Ease.
Turquoise is a gem of self-expression & growth that helps your soul more fully express itself.

Turquoise is a healing & strengthening stone that provides solace for your soul & well-being for your body. It aids communication between the physical & energetic realms and opens your third eye. This increases intuition & clarity and supports meditation. It opens throat chakra and releases old inhibitions, encouraging you to speak your truth & allowing your soul to more fully express itself. It helps you shed old patterns that are no longer serving you. It stabilizes mood swings, relieves depression & soothes anxiety bringing a sense of ease & clarity.

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