Chakra Properties

What are Chakras? Chakras are your body's energy centers

You have seven major energy centers along your spine, running from the base of your spine to the top of your head, called Chakras.  

Your chakras are located at points where major nerve ganglia branch forth from your 
spinal column, and each chakra correlates to levels of consciousness, archetypal 
elements, developmental stages of life, colors, sounds, bodily functions, and much, much more.   

Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel" and refers to the movement of energy within a healthy, unblocked chakra. One of the functions of things such as gem therapy, energy healing & meditation is to cleanse and activate your chakras. The goal is to bring them into balance & allow your energy to flow more freely.

Your Crown Chakra is your connection to your higher-self, your best self, and the divine

Crown Chakra - 7th Chakra

Ether, Thought, Universal Identity, Oriented to Self-Knowledge
Your crown chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is your connection to your higher self, the divine, the timeless, spaceless place of oneness. This chakra brings us wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss. 
The colors associated with your crown or 7th chakra are white and gold. The Vedic element associated with the crown chakra is Ether - the 5th of the Vedic elements - called "idea" in Greek philosophy, "void" in Zen, and "Akasha" in Sanskrit.
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Your Third Eye  Chakra is the center for the sight that leads you down your spiritual path

Third Eye Chakra - 6th Chakra

Light, Spiritual Identity, Oriented to Self-Reflection
Your third eye or 6th chakra is related to the act of seeing. Your third eye is the sight of your psychic faculties and facilitates true understanding.  It is the seat of your inner-wisdom. This chakra allows us to see "the big picture" and is the sight that guides us on our spiritual path. It's said that if your third eye is clear, the energy will help clear all your other chakras.  The color associated with the third eye chakra is purple. The Vedic element associated with the third eye chakra is Air.
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Your Throat Chakra is your center for self-expression

Throat Chakra - 5th Chakra

Sound, Creative Identity, Oriented to Self-Expression
Your throat chakra is related to communication, soul-expression and self-identity. It is your center for self-expression and expression of the will. The throat chakra allows us to experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the sound vibration associated with language and singing. It's the chakra through which your creativity is made manifest.  The color associated with the 5th or throat chakra is blue. The Vedic element associated with the throat chakra is Air.
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Your Heart Chakra is your center for love & is the arbiter between your higher & lower selves

Heart Chakra - 4th Chakra

Air, Social Identity, Oriented to Self-Acceptance
Your heart chakra is your center for love of all kinds, including compassion and self-love. The middle of 7 chakras, your heart or 4th chakra balances your higher, more spiritual, selves with your lower, more visceral, selves. The heart chakra is the integrator of opposites: mind and body, male and female, ego and unity. The colors associated with this chakra are green and pink. The Vedic element associated with the heart chakra is Water.
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Your Solar Plexus Chakra is your center for inner-strength, confidence & courage

Solar Plexus Chakra - 3rd Chakra

Fire, Ego Identity, Oriented to Self-Definition
Your solar plexus is your center for inner-strength, confidence, courage and sense of self. The solar plexus chakra rules our personal power, our sense of joy and our metabolism. This chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, self-confidence, and non-dominating power. The solar plexus chakra is the chakra of individual identity. The color associated with this chakra is yellow. The Vedic element associated with the solar plexus chakra is Fire.
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Your Sacral Chakra is your center for creativity, sensuality  & your inner-child

Sacral Chakra - 2nd Chakra

Water, Emotional Identity, Oriented to Self-Gratification
Your sacral chakra, located between your hip bones, is your center for creativity, sensuality and your inner-child. The sacral chakra connects us to the world through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. This chakra brings us grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change. The sacral chakra is also associated with fertility and the reproductive organs. The color associated with this chakra is orange. The Vedic element associated with the second chakra is Water.
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Your Root Chakra is your center for prosperity, motivation & relationships

Root Chakra - 1st Chakra

Earth, Physical Identity, Oriented to Self-Preservation
Your root chakra is your connection to the earth, life force and vitality. The root chakra is our survival chakra, our center for procreation, prosperity, grounding and balance. The root chakra is about tribal and family bonding and relationship formation. A blocked root or first chakra is associated with lethargy, depression and lack of motivation.  The color associated with this chakra is red. The Vedic elements associated with the root chakra are Fire and Earth.
Click learn more about & view jewelry w gems that affect your Root Chakra:

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