
Gift Certificates
Mind: Guided Meditations
Workshops, Certifications, Events
Body: GemRx Tools
Jewelry Sets
Healing Gemstone Jewelry
Healing Gem Combinations
Creativity & Self-Expression
Energetic Protection & Wisdom
Healthy Relationships & Balance
Heart Healing & Grief
Joyful Confidence & Courage
Mood Elevation & Depression Relief
Passionate Love Life & Vitality
Post-Partum Nurturing & Self-Love
Prosperity & Motivation
Anxiety & Insomnia
Spirit: Energy Clearing, Holistic Coaching, GemRx

Anxiety & Insomnia

Anxiety & Insomnia

Amethyst~ Heart-Healing, Intuition, Wisdom, Trust

Smoky Quartz~ Grounding, Balance, Clearing, Peace

This GemRx is the most effective combination for dealing with stress & anxiety. Amethyst is a gentle & healing stone that calms or stimulates your mind, as needed. It moderates emotional highs & lows and encourages trust in yourself & others Smoky Quartz is the most balancing and peace-bringing of all the gems. Useful during times of change, smoky quartz is very effective at relieving stress & removing the fear of failure.


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